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Attract More Sponsorships with Non-Profit Virtual Event Analytics

Corporate sponsorships of your non-profit organization can make a critical difference in increasing revenue and making new connections in the business world. However, to attract the most lucrative sponsorship opportunities, you need to prove that the company’s messaging will reach the widest audience possible 

Virtual event analytics puts the proof you need right at your fingertips.

Use virtual event analytics to attract and retain corporate sponsors

When pitching to prospective sponsors, having robust data on hand can make all the difference in bringing them on board. For example, they might want to see how many active donors you have, what you’re doing to engage them, and how you plan to attract more memberships.

Virtual event platforms can provide valuable insights such as event attendance, guest engagement, donation analytics, and much more that validate your cause.

Some of the more relevant data you can share with prospective sponsors include the following: 

Attendee characteristics

Sponsors will want to know who your attendees are. Depending on what you collect at registration, you can provide a wealth of information so prospective sponsors can share relevant messages accordingly. 

Event and session attendance rates 

You can show both your registration numbers and actual attendees. A small gap between these numbers indicates how committed your members are to your cause. Attendance rates for individual breakout sessions, Q&A, networking sessions, interactive games, or roundtables are also available on many platforms. 

Attendee retention

Another vital statistic is the average audience retention rate, right down to the second, including which attendees stayed the longest or left earlier than expected.

Feedback questionnaires

Post-event questionnaires are great tools to measure success by garnering honest feedback from your attendees. Sponsors can review the responses and discuss your plans to optimize areas of improvement. 

Donation levels

Strong indicators of success are how many attendees were inspired by your event to donate, how much they gave, and whether you hit your overall donation targets. You can also view statistics on who visited your landing page to donate and who left the page without taking action.

Social media buzz

Collecting data on your event’s social media posts’ likes, shares, and comments will give your sponsors a sense of what kind of buzz it generated. Hashtag use, tags, and mentions by social media followers are also valuable metrics to share.

How to maximize attendance and engagement for impressive event analytics

Virtual and hybrid events are optimal for engaging donors, members, and stakeholders worldwide, keeping the spotlight on their efforts in supporting your mission and positively impacting society.

Here are some unique event ideas to help set your organization up for corporate sponsorships and move your non-profit mission further.

Virtual donation drives

These virtual events can galvanize your base to spread the word about your organization’s mission online to maximize attendance. Provide real-time personalized donation thank you messages, set donation goals, and tell stories about how your organization is making a positive difference in society. You can also divide attendees into teams for fun, competitive group fundraising. Heighten the enjoyment with online games, live music, and information sessions that showcase your mission.

Online auctions

Hosting a real-time online auction generates a lot of excitement within and outside your membership community. It’s an effective way to attract fresh donors as they bid on exclusive items and packages donated by sponsors, with proceeds going to your cause.

Donor appreciation events

Appreciation events celebrate the kind support and hard work of your donor base. Make them as fun and engaging as possible by incorporating interactive online games, networking sessions, Q&A sessions, featured speakers, workshops, and more. 

Award ceremonies

Recognize significant achievements by hosting an award ceremony. You can recruit a prominent figure as a host to raise your event’s profile. Share stories about the winners’ accomplishments, and give opportunities to share messages of congratulations in real-time over on-screen text. 

Virtual galas

Members often look forward to their organization’s annual gala to celebrate the previous year’s achievements. Your online gala could include keynote speakers and live or pre-recorded stories showcasing your organization’s good work.

Virtual and hybrid events give your non-profit organization multiple opportunities to grow its base, increase donations, and attract sponsorships. However, having the right production expertise to handle your event’s technical complexities is another critical factor in your success. Going it alone can be disastrous to your cause – always seek out virtual event production experts to help ensure a great online event for all.

Partner with the right Livestream production team

Whether you’re planning a live in-person, virtual, or hybrid event for your non-profit organization, having the right technical professionals working with you behind the scenes is critical to making the overall production much easier for your team.

Your dedicated VVC Live production crew has all the technology you need for every type of online event. We’ll take care of the production needs for your fundraising drive, donor appreciation event, online auction, or any other livestream to maximize your chances of landing lucrative corporate sponsorships.

Discover our streaming solution to learn how our cutting-edge technology will elevate your next Livestream. Contact us today for a free demonstration!